Easy As 1-2-3!
First: Come up with a creative idea about a virtue topic
Voices for Virtue defines virtue as: Belief in God, Clean Language, Respectful Dating, Healthy Friendships, Modest Dress and Appearance, Wholesome Entertainment and Media, Service, and Sexual Purity.
Second: Video tape your message
Using your smartphone video you and your friends doing your idea. Your video should not less than three minutes long. As part of your video please say somewhere “I am (say your name) a voice for virtue” and use #RandomActsOfVirtue in the title. Make sure you have fun and be real.
Third: Message Voices For Virtue your link
Post your Random Acts Of Virtue on your personal social media account using #RandomActsOfVirtue. Message us the link at Facebook.com/VoicesForVirtue or email us at Voices@VoicesForVirtue.org using #RandomActsOfVirtue in the subject line.
Voices For Virtue will post your #RandomActsOfVIrute on Facebook.com/VoicesForVirtue.
Over a million voices strong!
Here is an example of #randomactsofvirtue:
Watch this: Ethan and Adam