Create A Meme

Easy as 1-2-3!

First: Come up with a creative idea about a virtue topic

Voices for Virtue defines virtue as: Belief in God, Clean Language, Respectful Dating, Healthy Friendships, Modest Dress and Appearance, Wholesome Entertainment and Media,Service, and Sexual Purity.

Second: Create a meme about your idea

Using your a meme creator, make your meme. We have made this easy for you. We recommend using Share your image with you friends and with us and receive cool prizes. Click the link to learn how simple it is to use Canva! We’ve made this video to show you how. Watch: “How To” Create A Virtuous Image.

Third: Message Voices For Virtue your link

Post your virtuous meme on your personal social media account using #iamavoice. Message us the link at or email us at

Voices For Virtue will post your #iamavoice meme on

Over a million voices strong!

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